Uninstallation of Installed Sitecore Instance Using SIA(Sitecore Install Assistant)

Brief Introduction 

There are some cases arises when installation of Sitecore instance on local machine fails or sometimes ruining instance got corrupted in that case if we want to remove current instance properly from machine including SQL databases, Solr indexes as well all dependencies related to particular instance than there is no need to run the each steps manually like removing SQL dB's, Solr indexes etc.(which obvious a hectic one) Sitecore provides a PowerShell script to run this task automatically only we need to configure some attributes and simple run it. below are the steps that needs to be done.

Step 1: Go to the File explorer where you have downloaded the Sitecore installation package

Step 2: There you can see we have one ps1 file with name of XP0-SingleDeveloper.ps1as shown below

Step 3: There are two options either modify existing XP0-SingleDeveloper.ps1 file (not recommended) and run it or rename the file to Uninstall-XP0-SingleDeveloper.ps1 and do changes in it so we are going with 2nd approach. Place this file on same location as shown below.

Step 4: Open this Uninstall-XP0-SingleDeveloper.ps1 file and configure the below attributes accordingly

Step 5: This is main step , comment the line starts with Install-SitecoreConfiguration by adding # in front of it and uncomment line start with Uninstall-SitecoreConfiguration by removing # as shown below.

Step 6: Now you are good to go further , run this above ps1 script in PowerShell make sure you running the PowerShell in admin mode.

This will remove and clean up your websites, databases and indexes related to the specific instance.

Thank You!!!
Happy Learning !!!!


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